Dandruff major cause of dull hairs

The physical appearance of a person is significant to maintaining our personality and confidence. Soul, mind and physical appearance are the major components that define the beauty of a person. Our hairs in addition to the fascinating eyes and pinkish lips upgrade our beauty. The maintenance of healthy hair is important to maintain the overall hygiene of our bodies. Healthy, shiny and thick hairs are found attractive to every individual.A pleasing appearance improves social interactions. Healthy hair can be maintained by intake of essential supplements including protein, vitamins and minerals. Due to an increase in air pollution hairs have become subject to dirt and dust resulting in hair fall, hair breakage and hair damage. Dandruff is the most common hair problem experienced by people. To treat dandruff several products are available in markets, one solution to this can be a hair spa but hair spas cause hair fall. The treatment of hair scalp should be taken with the approval of a dermatologist to ensure safe and healthy hair growth. Since dandruff is the major issue faced by people. We will discuss home remedies to treat dandruff to have healthy and beautiful hair.
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR:The main cause behind dandruff is considered to be outgrown yeast. Apple cider vinegar is the most easily available ingredient to reduce growing fungus and has anti-fungal properties to overcome the dandruff of the dry scalp. It helps in maintaining the pH level of the scalp ensuring healthy hair growth. Applying apple vinegar by mixing two tablespoons with shampoo can prevent the scalp from dandruff.
TEA TREE OIL: Tea tree oil acts as a powerful ingredient to cure dandruff due to its anti-microbial property. It reduces the symptoms of dandruff and helps in fighting dandruff. It can be used best in the dilute form by mixing two drops in the coconut oil before applying it to the scalp to avoid any sort of irritation.
ALOE VERA: Aloe Vera is the most used element in the cosmetic industry. It acts effectively against several skins problems of acne, blemishes and hair problems such as hair fall, damage etc. It is the most beneficial treatment to treat dandruff as it has anti-fungal properties. Applying aloe vera directly to the scalp before head wash for one hour twice a week will reduce dandruff to a great extent.
BAKING SODA: Baking Soda acts as the most common kitchen ingredient in exfoliating dead skin. It reduces the itching of the scalp proving beneficial to fight for dandruff. Applying baking soda to wet hair for one minute for four weeks could efficiently cure the problem of dandruff.
The above-mentioned remedies are effective ways to treat dandruff, our diet also plays an important role in maintaining healthy hair care. Several cosmetic industries provide natural ingredients based products to treat dandruff based on the severity of dandruff that may vary from person to person. Some products available in markets include anti-hair fall shampoo for children, anti-dandruff shampoo for men in India, total repair of hair damage for women etc. The products available in markets are safe for use and are tested by a particular dermatologist.